Over 40 Traditional Knitting Patterns Inspired by Folk-Art Collections
38,50 € *
30 super-süße Schühchen zum Häkeln
15,99 € *
Nur noch solange Vorrat reicht!!!
26,50 € *
Tolle Mützen, Handschuhe, Stulpen & Socken
27,99 € *
Nur noch solange Vorrat reicht!!!
21,50 € *
Once again, PieceWork presents its annual Historical Knitting issue. Make seven projects inspired by historical knitting traditions from around the world and peruse fascinating stories about knitting’s past.
13,90 € *
The Embellished World
9,95 € *
6 Private textile and needlework tool collections
13,90 € *
8 Literary Inspired Projekts
9,50 € *
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