Designs Inspired by the Knitting Traditions of Scandinavia, Iceland, and the Shetland Isles
26,50 € *
Nahtlos stricken - Pullis und Jacken an einem Stück getstrickt
15,99 € *
200 bezaubernde Muster
16,95 € *
Lässige Pullis, Jacken und Westen selbst gestrickt
15,99 € *
Nur solange Vorrat reicht!
6,50 € *
Magazine Single Issue
9,50 € *
The Summer 2019 issue of PieceWork is brimming with historical needlework facts and four projects to knit, crochet and embroider.
16,90 € *
The Closure Issue
16,90 € *
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